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coming soon放假的時間總是過的特別快二個酒店兼職多星期的寒假一下子就過去了這兩個星期只燒烤去了一趟Whistler開學前花了12個小時來回烤肉食材去西雅圖吃飯+shopping就這樣過了我的聖誕烤肉+元旦一切再回歸正常的生活bcak to 居酒屋work...雖然很開心可以看到我那些可愛的天酒肉朋友使們但…也開始期待我的下一個假期…東區燒烤coming soon....

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黃曉明裸體照瘋傳 影友會:全是合成 06-08 11:56〔本報訊〕近來網路上盛傳一張香港嫩591模Angelababy(Baby)緋聞男友黃曉明,為公益廣告拍的全裸神鵰照,讓Angelababy大呼害租房子羞,受訪時稱「18歲以下不太適合觀看,看完以後把它刪掉吧」,也稱黃曉明不太可能拍這買屋種照片,而黃曉明粉絲團的影友會昨也貼出該公益廣告的真實圖片,請網友們不要再以訛傳賣屋訛。陳妍希、喂啼洧滮H昨與Angelababy出席活動,但兩人的焦點卻全被其搶盡,因前兩天網房地產路上瘋傳一張Angelababy緋聞男友黃曉明的全裸神鵰照,引起軒然大波。香港媒體對此詢問買屋網Angelababy,該照片是否是黃曉明本人,Angelababy稱不清楚,但以她的想法,黃曉明應不買房子會拍此類照片,盼媒體能夠求證本人。而黃曉明的影友會昨在微博上指該裸體照全是合成,租房子並貼出黃曉明所拍的真實版公益廣告圖片,盼能停止謠言。

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Cover Story (封面人物) 2004 明道專訪英譯版 PART 1. (with youtube link) (本文譯者非專業翻譯, 單純只為與非華語系明道迷分享, 歡迎轉"連結", 請勿轉載, 感謝合作)The first part of Mingdao's interview on 5.9.2004 -http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=krneVY-NFOg Opening:Begins with a short clip of "King of Adventure". MD's first job in entertainment business allowed him to make his first journey overseas to host “King of Adventure”. MD is of humble beginning, he grew up literally in a market place where his parents sold dried fish…  He temporally left "King of Adventure” after exploring more than 20 countries and crisscrossed half of the 買屋網globe. He took an acting job in TGDJY as a motorcycle racer; however he kept alive, in this new pursuit, the spirit of “King of Adventure”. In the new drama, we see a different MD. (A short clip of TGDJY, in which he plays the 2nd leading actor, shows a very impressive actor in his first drama role). In order to take the new job, he had no choice but to leave King of Adventure. Within 2 years of hosting, he accumulated numerous wounds and unforgettable memories. He seems to be lucky enough to embrace the world and travel around the globe, yet, behind the scene, the effort he put in and struggles he confronted are beyond your 買房子imagination.Sam's comments about MD-I remember him from not being able to communicate with people and bringing theminto his world. He has since learned to manage both. I love watching hisprograms nowadays; he has made tremendous progress.Tony's comments about MD –Once in New Zealand , MD visited a family who plant Kiwis; it was a bigfamily with few kids. There was nothing adventurous about the story, but I soon realized that MD had made great improvement in his English. His smiles were so sincere; it made him look like a member of that family. I gave him a call right after the show, I said to him, this was a fascinating one, you did a 租房子great job.Producer's comments about MD – (Mrs. Wang, MD always calls her Mom-Wan) MD has a great inviting smile, as a result, after he visited more than 20 countries, there weren’t much communication problems despite the different nationalities, race or languages. (She mentioned about two events - in Indonesia & Germany .) We went to visit a long-ear tribe in Indonesia . MD spent a whole day with an old lady. When it was time to say good-bye, everyone became very emotional. Not only the crew members, MD also thought that this journey was unforgettable because of this old lady. It reminded him of his mom. (clip from the program, MD said to 房屋出租audience – every time when I visit my mom, she always says to me: “Are you going to travel again? You’re always gone for a long time, I don’t get chance to see you! “, he starts to cry in front of the camera)2003, In Germany , during New Year’s Eve countdown, despite the music and festive atmosphere, he made a long speech about his feelings and thoughts about the past year and a half. Finally, he bowed to his audience to thank them for being so supportive. I think these past year and a half means a great deal to MD, he appreciates every moment. (A short clip in Germany –The new Year’s Eve speech) “At the very beginning, I needed 10 takes 售屋網just to make an OK opening, now I only need one. I spoke lousy English back then, now, I still speak lousy English but I can communicate with people. I think the past year and a half seems short but very important and meaningful to me; thanks for your support, we will have a special program for “King of Adventure”  to celebrate our 2 years, 3 years, 5 years and 10 years anniversary” ) Host: Looking at the emotional scenes from the long-ear tribe, does it ever occur toyou how many people you meet, through your year and a half travels, would look at you in the same way in which they look at their own family when they say good bye to you?MD: 賣房子(wiping tears) about one year after hosting “King of Adventure”, I suddenly changed my attitude towards people. I thought – Maybe we meet 100 people in one trip, an old-lady or a kid is just among one of them, but to them, we could be the only one they meet in their entire life. Maybe 30-40 years later, they might still remember and tell their children proudly about our visit and shooting at them which left them a uniqueexperience in their lifetime. Ever since that experience, I just couldn’t be disrespectful to anyone I meet.Host: Base on your book, every time when you go abroad, you always travel “economy”due to budget constraints. But you 新成屋do realize that all those tickets cost a lot of money. MD: Yes, I need to bring it up especially. Normally we always thank our supervisor for looking after us. Before I publish my book, I lay out every single boarding pass from my first one to Thailand until the last one to New Zealand . Suddenly, it came to me that all those tickets in front of me, are the means what made all this possible. The total value of those tickets cost more than NTD 1 million. I do appreciate the opportunity that has been given to me…HOST: The price of the tickets can be calculated, but not the hard work done behind the scene. At the beginning, you had a hard time 房屋買賣getting along with the whole crew. However at the end, they were always willing to help you to make a better job. You know it pretty well, what you have gone through within the past two years, those experiences you will never forget.Vocal: In two years, MD visited many places and left lots of memorable scenes, footprints in many different countries. You can't imagine that MD once had a difficult time communicating with his crew members, and received personal comments from them – such as difficult to deal with.Producer (Mrs. Wang) –For these two years, from a person difficult to get along and deal with, to someone who can manage everything; 找房子from being a nobody to being a notable where his name can easily be spotted during the credits… He stands by his belief -“never lose or give up”, always strive for the best he can.(A short clip of “King of Adventure” showing the tough things he has done or tried in the program)(Mrs. Wang continues)– Once in Guam , he got injured. That was the earlier stage of this program, team members still had a difficult time getting alone with him, there were words about his wound – Did he really get hurt? Maybe he was just pretending and wanted to get two days rest.To be continued – 

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無名型男敖犬 人氣王2008年07月18日爽報本報訊 敖犬登無名型男人氣王,Cherry為正妹最夯,搜尋榜張芸京居冠,打敗天后借貸蔡依林。 社群網站「無名小站」昨公布年中排行榜,棒棒堂敖犬以累計約1280萬點擊人次,拿下「10大無名型男」人氣冠軍票貼,遙遙領先第2名王子的697萬點擊率。「10大無名正妹」第1名,則被去年年終冠軍、網路甜姊兒Cherry拿下,累計約1500萬宿霧人次點擊。 《我愛黑澀會》的洪詩、MeiMei,也在正妹排行中分居第2及第4名。敖犬昨獲知喜訊大笑說:「我出道前就用無巴里島名,出道後部落格上都記錄我的工作心情,謝謝大家支持。」 該站也公布「10大熱搜藝人」,《超級偶像》冠軍張芸京(京馬爾地夫爺)以約17萬8千多次的搜尋人次,擊敗歌壇天后蔡依林的16萬7千多人次,也贏過羅志祥、劉德華等天王。張芸京昨說:「剛禮服開始被關注會有壓力,現在盡量平常心,把事情做好。」 人氣型男No.1 敖犬 www.wretch.cc/album/bboy1030 No.2 王子 西裝外套www.wretch.cc/album/Prince008 No.3 汪大東 www.wretch.cc/album/gyapower 人氣正妹No.1 Cherry ARMANIwww.wretch.cc/album/cutiecherry No.2 洪詩 www.wretch.cc/album/angel198817 No.3 Kerina G2000www.wretch.cc/album/kerina 爽報 轉自狗區

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花落菩提 轉載文章杯茶無語,緣末留香。最愛芳香處,花落菩提深深。隨緣即應,落花瀲灩。一花一世界,一葉一菩提。有情花,爛漫葉。轟轟烈烈,揚揚灑灑;垂落人間,漫逐流水;戲舞軟風,醉酒紅塵。莫如此境。微雨燕雙二胎飛,落花人獨立,花落菩提。喜歡在花落的季節,享受孤芳自賞的美;也喜歡在極度的喧囂中,獨自微笑獨自平靜。花落是憾,落花是美。淡淡的書香,淡淡的花香,淡淡的馨香。這是一個關於落花和菩提的世界嗎?花自飄零情自流汽車借款,一種思量兩份憂愁,又有什麼呢?本無一物,卻沾染了滿身的塵埃!眼看花瓣在秋風飛,那姿態美的讓人心碎。往日的繁華,就這樣凋零,就這樣消逝;只留下殘花餘香。菩提暗坐,菩提暗坐。看人間花開花落,看人間春夏秋冬。整合負債只在一個回眸,便凝住了流雲。或許,本無起,亦無滅;可佛還是幻化了這一切;以至,牽起一干人等,去輪迴。佛也動心麼,不然,怎有起滅?佛有心麼,本應一襲青衫了卻恩怨。奈何古佛悠遠,青燈易幻,來世間,收起情天,紅融資塵三千,救人於苦海。夢自手邊穿梭而過,偶爾定格:想起...簫聲清遠,焚雪落寞;一生的冷暖,都隨花朵飄落。很多年前有人曾說過,遙遠的地方有過一條夢河,流淌著幸福,盛開著歡樂。嚮往夢河,引退幻想的人,終生漂泊。當鋪而我醒來,空空的張掌上落葉淒美。過一次奈何橋,喝一碗孟婆湯,生生死死又何妨。願我來世,得菩提時,身如琉璃,內外清澈,淨無污穢。願,只能是願,身在紅塵中,幾多身不由己,幾多無奈感慨。無我相,無人相;無眾生相借款,無壽者相。五百年後,虛菩提得聞是經,佛曰如是如是,佛暢然,虛菩提釋然。空空者自詡空空,芸芸者飄如云云:云云,蕭聲咽,秦娥夢斷秦樓月,秦樓月,年年柳色,灞陵傷別;紜紜,樂遊園上清秋節,咸陽古道音塵絕,音塵支票借款絕,空聞如斯又決別。清清濁濁,佛淚滿面;空聞經典,昨日真情現;木魚清燈,怎曉愁如許。鐘聲又響,眾生參禪。也許,花開,並非唯一的嚮往;花落,並非所有的感傷。墜入塵世,閱讀滄桑;多少個夢,似月光的飄渺;飛出心信用貸款靈的圍欄,於朦朧間流浪。多少個夢,棲落水草間,滾落成露珠。燦然一笑,放飛心中的悵惘。由此,飄零、凋落,與生俱來,無須憂傷。唯於花開之日,讓綻放的熱烈;不能斑斕每一天,才是心底最疼痛的淒涼。似來自天籟的簫音汽車貸款,牽動著每一根神經,卻永遠無法珍藏。我是無法成佛的,哪怕是坐化在菩提樹下。因為那滿樹的落花,滿世的繁華,幽幽千年,是我心底的孽障。我寧願用盡此生,為那些塵世的硝煙塵霧,潸然淚下。為菩提落花,為世間繁華。 銀行利率 §逸荻§

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閱讀隨筆:看到一份很離譜的問卷(網路上的文章)算禮服算日子,前一陣子應該是研究生散發問卷的時間。連西裝外套我也收到一些MBA班的學弟或博士班學長送來的問卷ARMANI,想請我協助調查。 雖然我不做實證研究、不發問G2000卷,但我身邊的同學都在做問卷。他們被指導教授盯西服著改問卷、天天互相討論彼此的問卷設計,連帶著我結婚西裝也看過不少問卷設計。那些過程至今猶歷歷在目。然結婚而在我看過前一陣子收到的問卷內容之後,我不禁感西裝嘆現在研究生的水準變差了。按我的印象,有些問卷襯衫內容幾年前根本過不了指導教授那關,更別說發出了訂做禮服。  

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